Monday, April 28, 2008

Why? Cause he has money and makes her sandwiches?

With Gone Baby Gone director Ben Affleck has created a beautiful & haunting picture that details the kidnapping of a young girl & the subsequent search for her; which involves the cops, their higher ranking officials and 2 PI's(Michelle Monaghan & Casey Affleck.)
This dramatic picture focuses on doing the right thing in a situation that deems the right thing to be debatable; but "the right thing" in question can be debated for years upon years. I don't wanna give anything away, but please check this movie out. It got passed over in the oscar hunt for unknown reasons but its a wonderful film that seems to pit the male psyche vs. female psyche. It splits the male/female ideal better than any film i've seen in multiple years. Its great cinema, and like great cinema should do it will keep u talking and debating far after you view the film.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Open Up Your Ears v.5 Singer/Song Writer

Derek Webb- The Ringing Bell
So old school Caedmon's Call fans might remember Derek Webb, he played guitar and sang backing & lead vocals most notably on My Calm//Your Storm, 40 Acres, and Long Line of Leavers. He left the band in 2003 to pursue a solo career that has seen him release 4 albums that touch on subjects such as politics, commerce, social justice, economy, and war.
Many Christian music stores refused to carry his music b/c, as we have come to know, Derek speaks the truth; something the American Christain Church doesn't like to hear nowadays.
His latest album. The Ringing Bell is a quick 35mins of 10 sing-along songs that range from blues, folk, pop, and out right rock n roll.
Webb's music is still politically themed to a fault; "you can always trust the devil or a politician to be the devil or a politician, cause we've never had a savior on Capital Hill," but man you cant help but sing along. Very fine album from a leader in the independent music scene.
Long time trusted music magazine Paste gave this album its highest possible 5star rating.
For more on Derek Webb check out the Square Peg Alliance and