Monday, February 13, 2006

Open Up Your Ears v.2: Rock

AFI- Song the Sorrow- You think you know A.F.I.(A Fire Inside)- dark punk rock with a cult following and a slew of lo-fi recordings that only college radio plays- well think again. Guitarist Jade Puget has brought a whole new sound to the A.F.I. experience since his 1999 debut with the band; his synth and drum programming takes their sound to the masses(which obviously tunred away hoards of adoring, and selfish long time fans). Sing the Sorrow is exactly what a major label debut should be; a step above everything a band has ever done. Anthemic choruses with dark lyrics set off by backing strings and pianos- every song is a serene scene of pop goth beauty.
The only albums that came close to Sing The Sorrow in 2003 were Copeland's Beneath Medicine Tree, The Postal Service's Give Up, and Death Cab For Cutie's Transatlantacism- all of which will be featured in Open Up You Ears in the coming months.


Blogger Carole Turner said...

What did you think of the movie "Strickley Ballroom"?

6:55 PM  
Blogger smarty pants said...

Austrailian film right; ballroom dancing- haven't seen it yet. And don't know if i will- what did you think about it, should I see it?
-For what its worth the best documentary of last year was MURDERBALL; wheelchair rugby. The individual personalities make the film.

9:07 PM  

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